
Doctor Strange: Marvel Casting Rumors: Benedict Cumberbatch and Tom Hardy

Cumberbatch or Hardy?  Why not both?  Doctor Strange vs Dormammu.
     Rumor has it that Marvel is seeking out Sherlock's Benedict Cumberbatch as the Sorcerer Supreme, as well as considering the possibility of Tom Hardy in the role.  This is somewhat striking news for me in the case of Hardy, as he doesn't quite fit the image of the good Doctor.  I would actually rather see Tom Hardy in the role of the villain Dormammu.  A much more fitting role for him- that way most people can have their Cumberbatch fill while still keeping Hardy in the film.  Despite being already over-cast in damn near everything, Cumberbatch weilding the Eye of Agamotto does make sense because he has look of the character going for him, not to mention the perfect presence and attitude for him.

     And in a long shot of Marvel cinematic wishes- I hope they toss in Rorkannu as well.  Here's a brilliant snippet of him from the Nextwave series.

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