
1987 Metal Gear: Konami Gives Okays Fan-Made Remake

     In a strange and wonderful turn of events, developers and modding team Outer Haven have been given the all-clear by Konami to remake the original Metal Gear from NES.
     A few days ago, we received word from KONAMI that said they were happy for us to go-ahead with our remake of the classic MSX game, Metal Gear, aslong as we don't abuse the copyright issues (ie make a profit from the project/take donations). We were then informed to keep them up to date with any updates and feedback received as and when the game is released.
     As thrilled as we were with the news, we then received another email which stated "If the project goes well and there will be public interest in it, KONAMI will surely get to know this and consider further step accordingly".
     Unlike most fan remakes, Konami hasn't outright quashed the project, and will decide what to do as it moves forward.  Extremely smart move on Konami's part- wait it out and rake in the money if the project is good enough.  If this eventually gets put up for sale, I'd definitely buy a copy, I even mentioned it way back on 08.22.2012 (at the bottom of the post).

     The group is now looking for more people to help:

          For general interest, suggestions, questions email outerhavendev@gmail.com

     They better not forget the most important Snake related inventory item...

     Source [  Mod DB ]

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